Yesterday was a good day. Transmission fixed and my friend finally took the Falcon to my garage.
If you read my previous post, you may remember, that, the problem was the worn out torque converter hub.
So here is the new hub, what i bought from ebay.
The new hub arrived
You can see the difference. Old VS new ))
And now, it’s finally installed!
So, the car is drivable, but there is a bad news: we must replace the valve body ((( The valve body worn out too, and now it doesn’t shift from second to third gear as good as it should. But anyway the winter is coming, and i decided to left this thing till summer.
If you are driving classic you must be ready that one beautiful day your pride will stand in the middle of the street on it’s 4 wheels and refuse to move like a stubborn donkey. And exactly that was happened with me at last Sunday.
When traffic light turned to green, after pushing the gas pedal, i heard a terrible noise from somewhere near transmission (like someone struck with a sledge hammer). And the transmission started reacting only on position Parking.
There is a some thing in torque converter called “Turbine Hub” and that thing served his term. All teethеs of the hub were worn out by 90%…
The torque converter. The hub is inside of this thingTorque converter is opened. The hub is the round thing just in the middleTurbine hub. You can see that all teeths are gone
Today i have bought a brand new Turbine Hub from Ebay for $19.99 and a new rivets for $0.9 for each.